Asafoetida, or hing, is a spice that can be alarming to the uninitiated - strong, brash, and potent, it's not for the weak palate. Used mostly in central Asian cuisine, western nicknames for this spice are devil's dung and stinking gum. In fact, the name Asafoetida is derived from the word "fetid" - or, "smelling extremely unpleasant".

While odorous right out of the container, asafoetida tempers beautifully when cooked. Traditionally, a small amount is sauteed with hot ghee or oil, and then the oil is used to cook curries. Asafoetida is a popular substitute for onion and garlic in Eastern buddhist cuisine, and the flavor is reminiscent of leeks.

Asafoetida is harvested gum from the Ferula plant, and is usually "cut" with flour so that it can be easily used in culinary applications. Our organic asafoetida product is cut with ground fenugreek, so it's gluten-free and anyone can enjoy it! 


Inquire about our organic, gluten-free asafoetida.